Nut Dip Ice Cream with Spicy Caramel Sauce

There are few occasions in life more nerve wracking than meeting your boyfriend’s parents mother for the very first time. Luckily for me, my boyfriend eventually became my husband, so my now mother-in-law is stuck with me indefinitely (whether she likes it or not!). But little did she know that that first meeting (as well…

S’mores Ice Cream with Graham Cracker Cones

On its surface, this might look like just another standard run-of-the-mill If the Spoon Fits post. And certainly, it has all the elements: dark, messy photography, Millennial self-importance, mild to moderate senseless rambling, and of course, an overly complex and ingredient-heavy ice cream recipe. But dig a little more deeply, and what you’ll find is…

Buttermilk Peach Crumble Ice Cream

I don’t know if it’s out of boredom, or old age, or an unrelenting pursuit of gluttony, but lately I’ve grown to absolutely love certain foods that up until recently, never quite tickled my fancy. Things like blueberries. And pie. And blueberry pie. …And crumbles. And cobblers. And crisps. (Oh my!) Really, I’ve grown to love any and all…

Mint Chocolate Chip Grasshopper Brownie Milkshakes

It’s that time again, my friends. Time for mint chocolate chip disasters, endless self-loathing, and massive emotional breakdowns. Time for blog posts gone wrong, unreasonable hostility, and good old-fashioned hissy fits. You guessed it – it’s time for another If the Spoon Fits birthday celebration! My little blog turned THREE this month (can you believe…

Triple Blueberry Ice Cream Floats

As someone with a mild to moderate yet completely unreasonable and sometimes overwhelming case of anxiety, the act of taking a vacation is often more of a challenge for me than an opportunity. And no, I don’t mean that in the sense that I just love working so much and have such blinding ambition and…

Wine and Gold Sorbet

There isn’t much that I can say about Cleveland, or LeBron James, or Northeastern Ohio, or our beloved basketball team that hasn’t already been said before by someone much more qualified than I am to craft a narrative about the impact of a sports team on its city. But luckily for me, bloggers don’t need…

Caramelized White Chocolate Ice Cream with Toasted Almonds

Why, hello there, gorgeous! Allow me to introduce myself – I’m the ice cream blogger who fell off the face of the earth for a few months in favor of pursuing more trivial matters, but now who is back and (hopefully) better than ever, daring to believe that her old friends will welcome her back with…

Graeter’s Cheese Crown Ice Cream

As someone who is the youngest of four siblings and thus destined to a lifetime of being the “baby sister” regardless of my age, or maturity, or general attempts at adult-ness, I’ve finally come to accept the fact that I may not necessarily be my own person. Rather, I suspect that I might just be…

Matcha Ice Cream with Black Salt Chocolate Chunks

Now that January is finally over and the dreaded “New Year, New You” idealism is slowly starting to dissipate, I feel like I can finally come out of hiding to continue pushing my “all butterfat, all the time” agenda. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t enjoy a good ol’ fresh start shrouded…

Kir Royale Ice Cream Floats with Chambord Berries

It seems like just a few weeks ago that I was mustering my very best Sentimental Blog Thoughts to bid adieu to 2014, and now here we are, mere days from a brand new year altogether and once again, I’m wondering how 12 months could have possibly flown by so quickly. I’ve always felt a…

Milk and Cookies Ice Cream

One of my absolute favorite things about being a kid at Christmastime each year was the very important task of assembling a plate of cookies to leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve. Like many children who believed in Santa, I was completely enamored with the idea. It was the most magical of concepts; the…

Eggnog Ice Cream with Candied Pecans and Salted Rum Caramel

Even though the holidays are without a doubt my most absolute favorite time of year, I also find them to be completely overwhelming. Do you remember in the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, when a teenage Juliette Lewis is complaining to her mother about having to share a bed with her little brother, because –…