Peanut Butter Pie Ice Cream Pops

Normally when I go radio silent in the ice cream blogosphere, I typically have pretty lame excuses…things like IBS (Irritable Blogger Syndrome), inability to achieve a healthy work-life balance, general blogger laziness, a hectic social calendar, or more often than not, an obsessive Type A personality that makes it impossible to actually enjoy my artistic…

Dark Chocolate Chunk Guinness Ice Cream Sandwiches

7 years ago, at the tender age of 23, I fell in love with an Irishman. (Or at least, someone whom I thought was an Irishman). All the telltale signs were there: red hair, red beard, very Irish-sounding last name, above-average ability to recall Irish proverbs, and most importantly, could drink me under the table…

Matcha Ice Cream with Black Salt Chocolate Chunks

Now that January is finally over and the dreaded “New Year, New You” idealism is slowly starting to dissipate, I feel like I can finally come out of hiding to continue pushing my “all butterfat, all the time” agenda. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t enjoy a good ol’ fresh start shrouded…

Homemade Chocolate Shell

As much as I love and desire all things ice cream, I wouldn’t necessarily categorize myself as an ice cream purist. That is, I like a little crunch in my ice cream…a little texture. This can be achieved through the addition of nuts, chocolate chunks, or other so-called “mix-ins” to the ice cream base, resulting in a complex and satisfying…

Mitchell’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

It’s another rainy, cloudy day in Ohio, perfect for curling up with a good book and a pint of ice cream (no bowl needed, of course – just a spoon).  I’ve always loved rainy days; there is something about the soothing sound of raindrops against the rooftop that makes me feel introspective and romantic, like…